The 591st Sappers were activated from 2007 – 2014 to fight the war on terror.
- Sapper Todd
- Capt. Doug Armstrong & Sapper Todd
- 1SG Richardson
- SPC Steven Casoose, Sapper Todd Man
- SPC Derek Teunissen
- SFC Greg Grady, “Platoon Daddy”
- 3rd Plt.
- SPC Jim Magofna, 1st Plt.
- SPC Jim Slivinski, 1st Plt.
- Kings Among Men, 1st Plt.
- SFC Pike
- SGT Hancock & PVT Dawson training Iraqi Army on machine gun.
- PV2 Lohndorf
- 3rd Plt “Man-Up”
- Patrol Briefing
- 2nd Plt. on Break
- SPC Mercado, Demo Class
- SGT Sebring – Ready for Patrol
- Work Horse
- PFC Early & PVT Strong
- SPC “Deadpool” Lucas
- Motor Pool Work
- PFC Diaz
- SFC Pike
- SSG Walls, SGT Hunter SSG Young, SSG Ochoa SGT Redden, SSG Oakes
- SPC Tim Coulter
- On Patrol.
- SPC Teunissen explains the Mine Clearence Vehicle
- RG-33
- SPC “Iceman” Slivinski
- SPC “Al Freaky” Wells
- SFC Aaron Tippett, Rear Detachment NCO
- PFC Reichin
- PFC Roberts
- SPC Terry Hines
- SPC “Magneto” Magofna
- SPC “Peter Parker” Sliffe
- SFC Ipatzi, 2nd Plt.
- SFC Grady, 3rd Plt.
- 591st Sappers
- Cpt. Armstrong, 1SG Richardson with LTC Katers
- Truck Inspection
- Robot Training
- SSG Oakes, The art of cutting steel.
- SGT Chad Keith
- 2nd Plt. “Dirty Dueces
- 1LT Rich Miller
- SGT Goldinger Battle/Coist NCO
- SGT Ryan (Supply NCO)
- SSG Disotell (Motor SGT)
- SGT Gross (Shop Forman)
- SGT Kinley (Senior Mechanic)
- SPC (P) Helmick (Mechanic)
- SGT Highsmith (Battle/Coist NCO)
- SGT Paschall (Chemical NCO)
- SGT Miller (Medic NCO)
- SGT Bryan (Medic NCO)
- SSG Outen (Commo NCO)
- 591st Sapper Co.
- 3rd Plt. Ready
- PFC Bradford
- PFC Volpe
- 3rd Plt
- SGT Jorge Vargas, 3rd Plt
- 3rd Plt
- SPC Giron – Medic
- PVT Cascio
- PFC Early
- SPC Wells
- 1LT Adam Vogel
- SPC Unnerstall
- SPC Lookwood
- SPC Vankeuran
- PFC Dombek
- SPC Martin
- SPC Gerwitz
- SPC Slivinski
- SGT Chavez
- SPC Hardwick
- PFC Brown
- SPC Lucas
- SPC Magofna
- SPC Whited
- SGT Hunter
- SSG Wells
- SGT Kinnunen
- SGT Sebring
- SFC Raul Olivo
- Just Hanging Out.
- Inventory
- On Patrol
- We’re Ready!
- Patrol Again
- Lonesome Road.
- 1SG Richardson & Capt. Welch
- Inspection
- Mousl Patrol
- Maint. Check
- PFC Watson
- PFC Gonzalez
- Cheers !!
- 1LT MacArthur & SGT Garza
- 1st Plt.
- Nite-Nite
- That’s the last time he steals my beer!
- Star Trek Equipment?
- How many guys does it take to roll a tire???
- Breaktime
- PFC Moore “Rooster” Sending parts home???
- XO Don Gustavson explains equipment load
- PSC Holzinger & PFC Rodriguez
- Medic Training
- 2nd Squad after night training
- SFC Tippett getting ready for his civilian job.
- Love them Cats
- Iraqi Fans
- Patrol Time Again
- On Break
- 1st Plt.
- PFC Thomas
- SSG Seth “Iron Man” Wells
- PFC Holtclaw
- PFC Ross “Chillin”
- PFC Hunt breathes fire
- PFC Dockery
- SGT Wade
- PFC “Commo” Jones
- Patrol Time
- 591st Lemo?
- SPC Dannible, on 50cal, with SSG Oakes & SFC Tippett
- PFC Gagnon removing stiches from SPC Ingarra’s boo-boo
- PFC Chua
- SSG Reed & SGT Lucas
- SFC Comfort & SGT Deweese talking BS!
- SPC Brown
- Signed Flag from the 591st Sappers given to the Nam Vets at the 2011 reunion
- Promotion Time
- Is it hot out or just me?
- PFC Moya & PFC Ross at the motor poll
- SPC Lohndorf checking out the Husky
- PFC Covalcine has his sights on the UFO.
- Getting Ready for Patrol
- SSG Jared Deweese
- SPC Chris McConnell
- PFC Covalcine
- PFC Clark
- 1st Plt
- Demo Training
- “New Car” for PFC Anglin
- 3rd Plt More Demo Training with Iraqi Engrs.
- SPC Dannible
- Motor Pool
- 1st Plt. “Diamond Backs”
- Sunrise over Spin Boldak, Afghanistan
- New Day – Apr. 2013
- SPC Booth off-roading
- 2 Plt. “Bushmasters”
- Preparing to launch aerial recon
- SGT Woeltje & PFC Ramos on roller recovery
- SPC Vennard & PFC Mah loading a Husky
- SPC Natur doing maint.
- Cammo checks with SGT Lawson
- SPC Johnson on maint duty
- On Guard!
- Team Venom
- Welcome to “Snake Pit News”
- SSG Lee in Kandahar
- 2nd Plt. “Bushmasters”
- SSG Willis at the 240B Range
- PFC Heiney checking his sights
- May 2013 Sappers
- Morning sometime during June 2013
- SPC Jackson & SGT Siver on Night Watch
- SGT Crow on the Crow
- SPC Chua on Guard
- SPC Mah & SGT Woeltje with the Pink Princess Award
- Sappers, June 2013
- SPC Behm with the Iraqi Army at Al-Kindi
- Company Coins
- SFC Aaron Tippett – 2011
- SGT. Steve Casoose
- A True Sapper