Our 4th Reunion took place in Reno, Nevada.
- Jerry G. (left)
- Tina & Rick Foley with Chris Kiel
- Bill & Jane Hollowell (right)
- Jane Hollowell with Judy & Rich Nelson
- Judy & Rich Nelson (left)
- George Cox & Floyd Shoemaker
- Jerry Welsted & daughter Kara
- Don Kassik (lft) Bill & Jane Hollowell (ctr)
- Darrell Berg & Don Kassik (lft) Bill Hollowell (rht)
- (bk) Dale ‘Tiny’ Salman & Rich Nelson (frt) Judy Nelson, Evelyn Berg
- Richard Bingham, Darrell Berg, Ken Kiel, Don Kassik & Sgt. Wahwassuck
- Sgt. Wahwassuck, Curly & Kae Stratton, Ken Kiel & Roger Burcham
- Richard Bingham & Butch Berry
- Darrell & Evelyn Berg
- Bill Hollowell, Nori & Don Kassik and Richard Bingham
- The Nelsons & the Burchams
- The Strattons and The Foleys
- Kara & Jerry Welsted
- Ken Kiel & Curly Stratton
- 591st Veterans
- The Wives